Sunday 3 April 2011

Grocery Shopping should always be this fun!

'Raconteur Ribs' - if these ribs could talk?!

I slow roasted these beef ribs for almost 5 hours - coated in an array of my hottest chilli, sauces and sour berry! The meat just fell off the bone!
The view from my new office!

Edible Hand Grenade!

I took a big red pepper...carefully hollowed it out with a nice little 'hooked' scalpel and then stuffed it with a 'birds-eye' chilli, oregano, fetta cheese and a wedge of pineapple!  Cooked in an oven for 15 minutes at around 180 degrees...for a nice little touch I topped it off with a sprig of rosemary from the garden!
All it needs in the end is a little dab of olive oil! explodes!

Poor brother-in-law had an 'edible hand-grenade' experience on Saturday night at went off at 4.00am, then again  at 5.00am...